Sunday, May 24, 2009

Self Development Strategy

My strategy for self development is simple; set aside an hour a day to develop. This development includes a variety of resources, which I select from depending on the mood.

Blogs – The Gig, Kapp Notes

LinkedIn Group Discussions – Instructional Design Professionals group (IDP), Learning, Education and Training Professionals Group, UVA, VCU, and Former MCI and CSC Employees groups

Certification Study – I am studying for a PMP certification

Networking – Former co-workers, Linked In group members, former classmates

Professional Magazines and Journals – Training Magazine, E-SchoolNews, elearn Magazine

Professional OrganizationsASTD, E-learning Guild

Webinars – Pod Casting, Virtual Training Worlds

Doctoral Program research – Researching doctoral programs

Software Refreshers – Practice using different software programs that are used in instructional design

Writers Block

It’s been a while since I have blogged. I believe I’ve had the worst case of writer’s block that I have ever had in my life. Between the pressures of work and home, I couldn’t even come up with topics to write about. Nevertheless, in my quest to get out of this writer’s funk, I’ve decided to at least report on what I have been reading and thinking about. Here’s what’s been going through my mind professionally lately:

  • The professional differences of Gen X-ers and Gen-Yers
  • Multimedia software programs – what’s the best development tool
  • Government contracting – trends, tools, strategies
  • Strategies to improve professional motivation and inspiration
  • Starting a non-profit for teenagers – manners, etiquette, chivalry, etc
  • K-12 Public education – Trends