Sunday, June 7, 2009

LinkedIn for Networking and Knowledge

A few years ago one of my former co-workers sent me an invite to join her LinkedIn network. I skeptically accepted the invitation. I am not a big fan of social networking sites such as Myspace or the other one that I cant think of the name right now...that's another topic for a different blog. Anyway, I joined, filled out my profile and then sent some invites to some people that I knew. Before I knew it I had a modest size network of friends, college buddies, coworkers and former coworkers. It was interesting to watch as others built their networks and the types of professions that were within their networks. I then discovered LinkedIn groups and was definitely hooked. I have learned so much from the people and resources that are in those groups. As a result, I find myself using LinkedIn as one of my main self development tools.... Thanks Nakiesha.

Great Resource

I discovered this via one of my groups on LinkedIn. This is a great resource on the latest thats going on with k-20 education. On top of that, the subscription to the hard copy of the magazine is free. Check it out.