Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Personal Branding - I LOVE IT!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

LinkedIn for Networking and Knowledge

A few years ago one of my former co-workers sent me an invite to join her LinkedIn network. I skeptically accepted the invitation. I am not a big fan of social networking sites such as Myspace or the other one that I cant think of the name right now...that's another topic for a different blog. Anyway, I joined, filled out my profile and then sent some invites to some people that I knew. Before I knew it I had a modest size network of friends, college buddies, coworkers and former coworkers. It was interesting to watch as others built their networks and the types of professions that were within their networks. I then discovered LinkedIn groups and was definitely hooked. I have learned so much from the people and resources that are in those groups. As a result, I find myself using LinkedIn as one of my main self development tools.... Thanks Nakiesha.

Great Resource

I discovered this via one of my groups on LinkedIn. This is a great resource on the latest thats going on with k-20 education. On top of that, the subscription to the hard copy of the magazine is free. Check it out.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Self Development Strategy

My strategy for self development is simple; set aside an hour a day to develop. This development includes a variety of resources, which I select from depending on the mood.

Blogs – The Gig http://features.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/category/the-gig/, Kapp Notes http://karlkapp.blogspot.com/

LinkedIn Group Discussions – Instructional Design Professionals group (IDP), Learning, Education and Training Professionals Group, UVA, VCU, and Former MCI and CSC Employees groups

Certification Study – I am studying for a PMP certification

Networking – Former co-workers, Linked In group members, former classmates

Professional Magazines and Journals – Training Magazine, E-SchoolNews, elearn Magazine

Professional OrganizationsASTD, E-learning Guild

Webinars – Pod Casting, Virtual Training Worlds

Doctoral Program research – Researching doctoral programs

Software Refreshers – Practice using different software programs that are used in instructional design

Writers Block

It’s been a while since I have blogged. I believe I’ve had the worst case of writer’s block that I have ever had in my life. Between the pressures of work and home, I couldn’t even come up with topics to write about. Nevertheless, in my quest to get out of this writer’s funk, I’ve decided to at least report on what I have been reading and thinking about. Here’s what’s been going through my mind professionally lately:

  • The professional differences of Gen X-ers and Gen-Yers
  • Multimedia software programs – what’s the best development tool
  • Government contracting – trends, tools, strategies
  • Strategies to improve professional motivation and inspiration
  • Starting a non-profit for teenagers – manners, etiquette, chivalry, etc
  • K-12 Public education – Trends

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Check Your University

During these hard economic times many of us have been touched or know people who have experienced layoffs. I personally know several. I was reminded today of a job hunting resource that is invaluable....your university. I received a reminder of this as I checked postings in one of my universty groups I belong to on a career networking site. There were numerous postings concerning positions posted with the university's career services. Curiousity got the best of me and I looked at them. Not only were there position postings, there were also various articles, career tools and counseling opportunities. When giving advice to people who have experienced job loss, dont forget this valuable resource.