Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Over the last two weeks I have received a crash course in SCORM elearning development and packaging thanks to, Adobe,, and a few other websites and books. Below is a random list of a few of my new elearning SCORM know-isms. Some of them are "Duhh!", while others were news to me

- Within Moodle, SCORM packages can be added several different ways:
  •     Added to the Moodle shell
  •     Added by URL using a URL link to the manifest
  •     Added by URL using Download Package Type
-If it is not desired to add a Moodle package to a Moodle shell, the Download Package option is the best since the package needs to be local in order to communicate with the Moodle grade book

- If using the link from Manfest option is used in Moodle, package contents must sit on the same URL as the Moodle server.

- Moodle options for SCORM package types must activated at the site level

-Moodle 2.5 is compatible with SCORM 1.2, not SCORM 2004

-Videos can be linked within an elearning SCORM package from an external source (duhhh!)

-Settings in the source files for the presentation must match settings in Moodle (duhhh!)

- Experience API/Tin Can API is the next generation of SCORM

- Experience API and Tin Can API are the same. Each are used by different groups.  Elearning professionals refer to it as Experience API, while technical professionals refer to it as Tin Can API

-If publishing elearning in Captivate, you must ensure that you use quiz reporting set as percentages and not points. This ensure SCORM compliance.

There is lots of additional information that I absorbed during this crash.  However, above is my random dump of my biggest take-aways.

"To know is to KNOW"